Coming out is a journey, not a destination, that is different for everyone. The combination of your identities and experiences is unique to you and your process. You are not alone!

There are many resources at WashU that exist in order to create space for you to navigate your identities, question openly and be your authentic self. 

Gender-Inclusive Bathrooms

Many buildings on the Danforth Campus offer gender-inclusive bathrooms. You can view or print a map of these locations.

Gender-Inclusive Housing

When students opt in, Residential Life places them in rooms without considering each student’s assigned sex at birth.

Kaleidoscope Living Learning Community

A student-created and student-led Living Learning Community (LLC) designed to create a safe and affirming space for LGBTQIA+ students.

Bias Report & Support System (BRSS)

Students, faculty and staff who have experienced or witnessed incidents pf bias, prejudice or discrimination can file a report and receive suppor.